- Filling joins between ceramic tiles, panels, mosaics for walls & floors. For interior and exterior application.

PEVIFIX EG is a high quality joint filling mortar based on cement and special additives with smooth calibrated finish and superior hardness. It is victual proof water and frost resistant grouting compound. It is used on flooring and vertical surfaces with ceramic/vitrified tiles, marble and stones. It is available in various shades.
PEVIFIX GMA conforms to IS 15477:2004 TYPE II Specifications (extra strength)
All color ready-mixed
Mixing ratio
5.01/1bag 20 Kg
Temperature range for application from
+5C to + 35C
Foot traffic
24 hrs
8h on wall and & 24 hrs on flooring
Foot traffic
24 hrs
8 hrs on wall & 24 hrs. on flooring
The interval before normal use
7 days
2.5 to 4Kg/m2
- Shelf life 12 months in the original packaging.