- Is used for placing tiles, panels, construction and insulating panels.
- For living quarters, shower and bathrooms, kitchen, and other interior applications.

PEVIFIX AM is water and frost resistant tile adhesive. It is used in the thin bed method for installation of ceramic tiles, vitrified tiles for floors and vertical walls.
Grey ready-mixed
grey 5.01/1bag 20 Kg
+5C to + 35C
30 minutes
40 minutes
24 hrs
8 hrs on wall & 24 hrs. on flooring
7 days
2.5 to 4Kg/m2
750 N
2.50 KN
8.00 KN
Adhesion after water immersion -- 450 N
Adhesion after Heat aging -- 400 KN
Adhesion after water immersion -- 400 KN
PeviFix Am is water and frist resistant tile adhesive. It is used in the thin bed method for installation of ceramic tiles, marbles and stones for floors and verttical walls.
Grey ready-mixed
grey 5.01/1bag 20 Kg
+5C to + 35C
30 minutes
40 minutes
24 hrs
8 hrs on wall & 24 hrs. on flooring
7 days
2.5 to 4Kg/m2